
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What projects are included?

The database, which uses the basis of the state UMIS platform, contains all projects funded by any of the EU Cohesion or Structural Funds. Rural Development Program projects are also included.

How to find a project?

There are several search options. The easiest is the geographical one - you enter the name of the municipality and you see a list of the projects implemented there. There are additional filters to guide your search - by program, by beneficiary, by amount. You can also search for a project by keyword by its name (eg 'lighting' would bring out all municipal projects related to street lighting).

What should I do once I find a project?

Below each project there is a field to leave a comment. Text and photos can be attached there. There is a separate button Submit Tip-off, which alerts directly the ACF about corrupt practices.

What is the difference between a comment and a tip-off?

The comment is public, appears on the website and is seen by other users. The tip-off, on the other hand, is hidden and anonymous (optional). It is not visible to anyone but the ACF and cannot be traced to its author unless he has explicitly stated that he wants feedback.

How can I trace a tip-off?

You will receive an automatic 16-digits code you can use to check what is happening with your tip-off. As corruption tip-offs require more work and checks, it is likely that some time will pass before there is any update on it.