Provding warm meals in Zavet municipality

providing warm meal in the populated areas of Zavet municipality.The project is granted fund by The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprivet on the maim material aid and/or food operacional program.The operation appends, broadens the range of and develops the activities regarding the public dining rooms which are financed by "Social Protection Fund".The operation helps the achievement of the collective goal of the program which is to decrease the number of people who live in poverty by aiding them with food.Providing the warm meal will be serviced by a municipal home social patronage.The food products will be bought from a caterer who will be chosen after running a procedure on assigning the provision of the products under article 18, paragraph 1, point 2 and article 3, paragraph1, point 2 from the Public Procurement Law.The requirements towards the caterer will abide by the healthy consumption demand,the normative legislation,BDS(Bulgarian National Standart),expiry date and best before date of the food products.The provisions will be made periodically once a week complying with the menu and the food that will be prepared.The preparation of the warm meals for the targeted group will be made in the municipal Home Social Patronage builgings kitchen.The rooms are in compliance with all law regulations,including an article 12 certificate from the Foods Law.Theaccompanying regulations will be provided with an own municipal human resource.They will consist of counselling on the accompanying social services,counselling and help in dhe performance of the provided municipal administrative services,providing the use of health,educational and other services.A protocol will be made for each consultation and measure.This activity will be carried out according to the targed groups needs.In result of the implementation of the activity,the social isolation of 70 persons (and partly their families) in the municipality of Zavet will be facilitated.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2016
End date 31 Dec, 2019
Contract date 20 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 146,193.41
Grant 146,193.41
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 146,193.41
EU participation percent 85.0%
