Providing warm meal to people in need in Polski Trambesh Municipality

Through this project proposal Polski Trambesh Municipality will establish a public dining-room that will provide hot meals to single people and families who cannot support themselves through their property or work, or receive small pensions and who live within the boundaries of the municipality. The aim is to overcome the main material deprivation and meet the basic living need of food. The dining-room will be implemented with resources supplied by Polski Trambesh Municipality, while food preparation will be done by the Home social patronage. Hot lunch will be provided mainly to families and lonely living retired people who have low incomes and can not withstand this income and their property, as well as persons with a proven lack of income and close to care for them, established by the respective Social Assistance Directorate. Thus the people from this target group will be able to receive a cooked meal. They will be selected according to the lists made by "Social support" Svishtov, prepared regarding a selection of specific criteria made especially for this commission after evaluation of the applications from the people who wish to get a warm meal. The basic activities that will be carried out by Polski Trambesh Municipality are: 1. Fixing the target group; 2. Buying foodstuffs; 3. Providing a hot lunch 4. Providing supporting measures.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 Sep, 2016
End date 30 Apr, 2020
Contract date 01 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 72,079.41
Grant 72,079.41
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 72,079.41
EU participation percent 85.0%
