3.1 - Hot lunch in the conditions of the pandemic of COVID-19 in the municipality of Dolna Banya

In the context of an emergency pandemic operation, the provision of a hot lunch proves to be a significant aid, as it provides a real opportunity for the poorest and most vulnerable people to continue to have food, on the one hand and on the other, to be able to they also get it at home when anti-epidemic measures require it. Since 2009, the municipality of Dolna Banya provides free hot lunch on various projects. It is currently provided through the Target Program "Hot Lunch at Home in Emergency 2020". The food, which is delivered to the homes of 150 people from the town of Dolna Banya, is prepared in the Kitchen for home social patronage, owned by the Municipality of Dolna Banya. With this project proposal, the Municipality of Dolna Banya will continue to provide a hot lunch at the homes of the most needy people from the target groups. At the same time, accompanying measures will be implemented, expressed in individual consulting of end users, according to their individual needs. Target groups: 1. Persons without incomes or with low incomes below the poverty line - people in difficulty due to the deteriorating economic situation in the country, people who due to their age or disability are at higher risk of infection and adverse infection. 2. Persons placed in quarantine - without income or with low income below the poverty line and have no relatives to support them. 3. Persons subject to social assistance, for whom the need for additional support has been identified and in the conditions of an emergency epidemic situation, are unable to satisfy their basic living needs. Expected results: Assisted with a hot lunch 150 residents of the municipality of Dolna Banya in a pandemic of COVID-19. Basic activities: 1. Defining the target groups. 2. Preparing a hot lunch. 3. Providing a hot lunch. 4. Implementation of accompanying measures.

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Status Contracted
Start date 04 Jan, 2021
End date 27 Apr, 2021
Contract date 16 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 36,085.50
Grant 36,085.50
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 100.0%

