Hot lunch for the needy residents of the Municipality of Zlatograd in the conditions of COVID - 19

The Municipality of Zlatograd is far from the major administrative centers in the country which in combination with the negative demographic trends and the pandemic of COVID19 confronts the local government with the need to implement measures for the development of social services. These measures are aimed at the growing number of vulnerable groups of people without income or low income below the poverty line - people at higher risk of infection due to their age or disability; people placed in quarantine without income or with low income below the poverty line and have no relatives to support them; people who are socially assisted for whom the need for additional support has been identified and in the conditions of an emergency epidemic situation are unable to satisfy their basic living needs. Having in mind the fact that the population in our municipality is permanently aging, the natural growth is negative and the number of elderly people is increasing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the care of vulnerable groups and the provision of social services that meet their needs. The implementation of the project Hot lunch for the needy residents of the Municipality of Zlatograd in the conditions of COVID19 will provide assistance and support to the most needy individuals and families and the need for this type of social service will be met, which need is registered in the strategic documents. With this project proposal the Municipality of Zlatograd will continue to operate "additional announcements" after the inclusion of the project "Targeted support with additional announcements in the Municipality of Zlatograd" so as to cover all target groups that have a registered need. The activities that will be carried out within the project are the delivery of a hot lunch to the homes of vulnerable citizens who, due to poverty and prolonged social isolation, in the conditions of the declared state of emergency, are in difficulty to provide for themselves.

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Status Contracted
Start date 01 Jan, 2021
End date 31 May, 2021
Contract date 12 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 59,400.00
Grant 59,400.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 9,622.80
EU participation percent 100.0%

