"Hot lunch in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic in Rudozem municipality"

In recent years, the Municipality of Rudozem has successfully developed its social policy, striving to observe the principles of consistency, coherence and partnership with institutions and the non-governmental sector, as well as to ensure transparency and information of the population. For the period 2009-2020. Rudozem Municipality had the opportunity to provide the social service "Hot Lunch", funded by the MLSP - Social Protection Fund, under the Project "Providing hot lunch in the Municipality of Rudozem", under procedure BG05FMOP001-3.002 "Providing hot lunch - 2016-2020" , funded by the Operational Program for Food and / or Basic Material Assistance and under the Target Program "Hot Lunch at Home in Emergency 2020", for socially disadvantaged people, thus managing to improve the quality of life of all involved users. In the context of the pandemic emergency, the provision of a hot lunch has proved to be a significant aid, as it provides a real opportunity for the poorest and most vulnerable people to continue to have food, on the one hand, and on the other. they also receive at home when anti-epidemic measures require it. Due to the complicated epidemic situation in the country, as a result of the spread of COVID - 19, unemployment unfortunately increased. It is she and low incomes that cause many families to fall into poverty, who are unable to secure one of the most important things for human existence - food. Lack of funds makes people resort to buying cheaper and low-quality food, which in turn affects the unhealthy diet of society. The implementation of this project will help solve one of the most pressing problems nowadays satisfying the food needs of people in need in the Municipality of Rudozem.

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Status Contracted
Start date 11 Jan, 2021
End date 30 Sep, 2021
Contract date 15 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 106,415.10
Grant 106,415.10
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 9,028.80
EU participation percent 100.0%
