The Center of excellence "Mechatronics and clean technologies" is an association of national universities and institutes , including 12 institutes of the Academy of Sciences, Sofia University and Technical University - Sofia. Combining leading scientists from these units into a center of excellence aimed at maximum cover the topic of ISIS Mechatronics and clean technology "and having an integrated research program will contribute to strengthening and intensifying research, technological development and innovation and the creation of an institution that will be a leader in this area of the country and the region. In particular, activities will be focused on the following areas: 1. Virtual engineering and digital industries 2. Bio-Mechatronics, Micro / nano-engineering of mechatronic technologies, components and systems 3. Vibration and acoustic mechatronic technologies 4. Transport engineering and reengineering 5. Optical mechatronic technologies 6. Components of intelligent mechatronic devices 7. Technology for clean and safe energy 8. Green Technology 9. Additive technologies, functional coatings and new materials 10. Robotic systems and mechatronic technologies 11. Modeling. In accordance with the program will build modern and competitive research complexes at the highest level, equipped with unique for the country and concentrated in certain places scientific equipment. These complexes will provide opportunities for research excellence in line with the best international standards and practices It is envisaged that the main activities to be carried out in close collaboration with Centres of Competence in Mechatronics and clean technologies, as well as Center of Excellence in the field of Information and communication technologies. The high level of research will contribute as associates of foreign scientific institutions. For better links with business will rely on the associated partners - representatives of Bulgarian business / industry.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 28 Feb, 2018 |
End date | 31 Dec, 2023 |
Contract date | 28 Feb, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 69,184,529.81 |
Grant | 69,184,529.81 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 31,747,843.04 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |