Creating of a multidisciplinary educational environment for development of specialists with integral competencies in biomedicine and health care

Artificial intelligence, big databases, cloud computing are some of the technologies that are increasingly entering medicine and healthcare in connection with personalized medicine, personalized drug synthesis and more. The analysis of the university specialties offered in Bulgaria shows that specialists with an interdisciplinary profile in the field of artificial intelligence and medicine are not trained. Therefore, the project envisages the creation of 2 innovative joint master's programs "Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine" (PN 7.5. - MUV; PN 4.6. - VFU) And "Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare"(PN 7.5. - MUV; PN 4.6. - VFU). In partnership between MU-Varna, VFU and associated partners. The focus on the relationship "Science and Business" involves providing modern training of doctoral students in the context of new interactions between formal and non-formal education, the changing role of supervisors, the active participation of students in designing various activities of their individual curriculum , as well as learning opportunities in an electronic environment. That is why the project envisages modernization and digitalization of 5 especially important for MU-Varna doctoral programs (PN 7.1.), As well as introduction of modern software for teaching management in doctoral studies. The successful realization on the labor market already requires upgrading with additional competencies. That is why the project includes active work of the career development centers of the two partner universities, incl. building a network of career centers, supporting and monitoring their market realization and career development, conducting training in entrepreneurship, soft skills, digital competencies, etc. The project envisages internationalization through bilateral mobility for training and qualification and professional development of students, postdoctoral students, young scientists and researchers, exchange of experience and joint training and research teams.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 21 Jul, 2021
End date 31 Dec, 2023
Contract date 21 Jul, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,999,588.05
Grant 1,999,588.05
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 427,709.33
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), North-East (BG33), Varna (BG331), Varna, Varna