Full Social Integration of 545 pupils from Ethnic Minorities in the Municipality of Tervel through Additional Training in Bulgarian Language and Community Activities

The project is a partnership initiative of the NGO "Institute Humanitas", municipality of Tervel, Secondary School "Yordan Yovkov"-Tervel, Grade School "Hristo Botev"-v. Kableshkovo and Primary Schools: "Vasil Drumev"-v.Orlyak, "Dr Petar Beron"-v.Kolartsi, "Paisii Hilendarski"-v.Bezmer, "Hristo Botev "-v.Zarnevo. The aims of the project are: mastering the literary Bulgarian language; social integration and education in tolerance; understanding the traditions of all ethnic groups; parents’ involvement in the educational process and the overcoming of the negative public attitudes. The project will involve a total of 634 pupils (545 from ethnic minorities). The project will focus on the following areas: 1. Additional Bulgarian language training for the pupils from 1st to 8th grade. It includes initial training and closing of gaps in learning Bulgarian language. The training consists of over 2 years of education and will use an innovative methodology and teaching aids focused on developing communication skills, reading and writing comprehension. At the end of the project pupils are expected to improve significantly their communication skills. 2. Community activities for the preservation and development of cultural identity, socialisation of pupils from different ethnicities. These activities will incorporate music, dance, theater, fine arts, culinary art and sports. Green School and Days of Bulgarian language, arts and sports will be organized in Tervel. These events will encourage tolerance, socialisation and country studying. 3. Meeting between parents and teachers to discuss the benefits of educational integration, acceptance of diversity and the problems of learning in a multicultural environment. 4. Activities in organization and management. The team managing the project will develop a plan with precise time schedule of activities that will be shared between the different partners and team members of the project. 5. Information and publicity activities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Feb, 2017
End date 03 Jul, 2019
Contract date 07 Feb, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 570,179.90
Grant 570,179.90
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 257,876.92
EU participation percent 85.0%
