COMPASS: A profession and a job for the young people

The project offers an innovative model for sustainable integration into the labor market and it is oriented to wards young people from the Pleven municipality aged between 15 and 29, who are not engaged in employment, education and training,and who are not registeredat the LaborOffice. Numerous activities will be implemented in order to reach, identify, activate and motivate young persons from the target group as well as subsequent activities for their inclusionin continuous employment, education or return to the educational system. Services will be tailored to the individual needs of the young people from the target group. A new sustainable support network of NGO`s, institutions and organizations dealing with inactive young people in the area of Pleven municipality will be established and developed within the project. New approaches and practices for career guidance, career counseling and entrepreneurship will be applied. Trainings for acquisition of a professional qualification in relation to the specific opportunities for employment will be offered. New quality jobs will be provided and young persons from the target group, who have acquired a new professional qualification, will be offered a job andwill be able to practice their profession. Development of advanced services of the labor market in the region will be stimulated.Value will be added to the existing local and regional policies for youth employment.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 03 May, 2016
End date 03 Nov, 2017
Contract date 19 Apr, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 318,162.33
Grant 318,162.33
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 91.89%

