Activating employment

In the period from 2008 to 2014 Bulgaria always comes first in the ranking of Eurostat, in the largest number of young people from 15 to 29 years of age who do not study, do not work and are not in education (Not in Education, Employment or Training - NEET). In recent years the country's growing group of young people who are not employed and do not participate in any form of training or education. Factors that are objective and are determined by the state of the labor market (unemployment, employment, income, working conditions) and subjective - passivity and weak motivation to learn and work. At the same time, given their lack of experience and work habits, they often are not preferred by employers. Last but not least, a part of young people with low education and / or vocational training have left the education system prematurely and their chances for advancement without mediation and support to enhance their employability are minimal. This group of young people is not homogeneous and includes subgroups with specific socio - demographic characteristics. Accurate identification of young people from these groups and determining their specific needs is indispensable for proper targeting of existing services and measures for their activation and the development and implementation of new differentiated services and training measures and employment in the future. The project is aimed at identifying, activating and motivating socially excluded 75 inactive youth (50% Roma) who have the potential to increase labor supply in the municipality of Vetovo, Rousse. Sixty members of the target group will receive subsidized employment to 6 months after passing the professional training profession - profession social assistant (15 persons) in employer Institute for Continuing Vocational Training and Innovation EOOD and the profession – worker in landscaping (45 persons without inclusion in vocational training) in employer–Association BRTMI (project partners)

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 04 May, 2016
End date 30 Nov, 2018
Contract date 04 May, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 355,737.39
Grant 355,737.39
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 311,111.24
EU participation percent 91.89%
