Active for sustainable development of Varna minicipality

Within the current project is expected to improve the access to employment by ensuring sustainable integration in the labor market of young people who are not engaged with work activity, education and training and young people from Varna Region and Shumen Region. The project activities are directed at identifying and motivating for active behavior on the labor market of 80 inactive youth, who are neither in education or training, nor in employment including not registered as unemployed. The project consist of activities for identifying inactive youth and their activation by encouraging and supporting a choice about: 1. Back to the educational system and continuing the education. 2. Registration at the Labour Office. 3. Targeting inclusion in vocational training in connection with the opportunity to work. 66 youths will receive professional training in these occupations: “Landscape worker”, “Ecologist”, “Lifeguard - disasters, accidents and catastrophes”, “Computer operator” and opportunity for employment – position “Landscape, worker”, “Ecologist”, “Computer operator” and “Lifeguard - disasters, accidents and catastrophes”. 4. A youth will receive first chance to work from the employer partner – position “Organizer-in- Training”. Five information events will be organized to reach the inactive youths. “Door to door” campaign will be held, using community mediators. The plan includes opening of two offices “Active”. Modern methods of communication will be used to motivate youths through the creation a Facebook page and using interactive methods in training and motivating.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 25 Apr, 2016
End date 25 Dec, 2017
Contract date 25 Apr, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 375,984.59
Grant 375,984.59
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 228,174.64
EU participation percent 91.89%


North-East (BG33)