Education and employment - Raven Consulting Group and Liebherr Bulgaria with care and responsibility for the future of young people

The Project proposal is developed by the Applicant Raven Consulting Group and the Partner Liebherr Hausgeräte Maritza Ltd and complies fully with the priorities of the OP HRD procedure for granting financial assistance BG05M9OP001-1.002 "ACTIVE" , Investment Priority 2 "Sustainable integration in the labor market of young people, particularly those who are not engaged in employment, education or training, including young people at risk of social exclusion and young people from marginalized communities, including through implementation of the guarantee for Youth. " The project will be implemented in South Central region, Plovdiv Region and the cost will be funded by IMZ. Through the implementation of eligible activities under the scheme, the project will achieve its main goal: identifying and motivating for active behavior on the labor market of inactive young people from the target group, with follow-up activities for inclusion in continuous employment, training or return to education. This objective is fully in line with the main objective of the operation - activation and integration into employment of young people in 15-29 years of age incl, who are neither in education or training nor in employment and are not registered as unemployed in the EA. The developed project complements measures to support youth employment, the National Action Plan for Employment for the year and the National Action Plan for implementing the European Youth Guarantee Basic activities: - Identification of economically inactive young people in 15 - 29 years of age, including their activation - Activities for selecting contractors under the Decree № 118/20.05.2014 - Delivery of motivational trainings -Employment of the targeted positions within the scope of unit for up to six months by the Affiliate. - Activities for the organization and management of the project - Activities for information and publicity The project met all required horizontal principles.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 May, 2016
End date 01 Nov, 2017
Contract date 01 Apr, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 263,842.98
Grant 263,842.98
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 214,758.39
EU participation percent 91.89%

