Project “Compass - Activation on the Labor Market” is a set of 6 activities towards the target group: Economically inactive young people 15 to 29 years of age, who are neither in education or training, nor registered at the Labor Offices, and who, before their inclusion in the project, for a period of at least 4 months have been out of employment, out of the educational system, and have not been registered at the Labor Offices during the preceding 12 months (the conditions are cumulative). The target group of “Compass” is from the districts Vratsa, Lovech, Pleven, Plovdiv, Smolyan and Yambol. The need satisfied by the project is activation, motivation, support and integration of persons from the target group, who are not in education or training, and not in employment, including not registered as unemployed at the Employment Agency. Another satisfied need is additional capacity of the applicant (employer) for performance of its main operations, during the subsidized employment of the persons from the target group. The project aims are: provision of services to persons from the target group, related to career guidance, psychological support, information about options to reenter the labor market, educational or training system, or register with the Labor Offices, motivational trainings, related to revival of motivation of persons from the target group, aiming at their adequate inclusion in the social and work life, specific training in job-seeking skills and behavior before the employer, coaching, etc., and provision of subsidized employment with an employer (the project applicant). The expected results are: identified minimum 66 persons from the target group, included in motivational trainings minimum 66 persons from the target group, included in trainings in digital competencies minimum 50 persons from the target group, hired by an employer (the project applicant) through subsidized employment minimum 50 persons from the target group.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Apr, 2016 |
End date | 01 Jun, 2017 |
Contract date | 01 Apr, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 220,243.30 |
Grant | 220,243.30 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 184,277.25 |
EU participation percent | 91.89% |