Recruitment for expansion of the activities of Proadvise Co. Ltd.

“Proadvise” Ltd. offers consulting services in business and project management. The goal of this Project proposal is hiring and sustainable integration in business of new employees, unemployed and/or inactive people, to expand and improve the quality of services. and provide them employment. It is planned to appoint 4 new employees from the target groups. We will hire young people under 29 years and will enable them to acquire work and professional experience, unemployed professionals aged 30-54, and professionals over 54 years, thus to increase the capacity and competitiveness of the company. The newly recruited employees are provided employment for 12 months, and the opportunity to continue working in the company beyond. For the needs of business and to increase the qualifications of the newly appointed individuals, they will undergo courses in language and computer literacy competence to build on and complement their knowledge with these additional trainings. The necessaries for the jobs equipment, furniture and software will be purchased, to provide high quality working space. Of employees on the project will be provided with comprehensive services of Occupational Medicine to protect their health in the workplace and legal compliance. The project management team will manage and supervise the implementation and reporting of project activities, meeting deadlines and keeping the correct documentation, which will lead to achieving the set results in an effective and efficient manner. The project allows the new employees to adapt to work, to improve their skills and gain experience and knowledge which are prerequisites for their further sustainable employment. This project will contribute to the successful implementation of its objectives and the objectives and priorities of the operational program and will facilitate the sustainable development of the beneficiary.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Sep, 2016
End date 20 Sep, 2018
Contract date 20 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 71,200.00
Grant 71,200.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 58,601.97
EU participation percent 85.0%
