Creating of sustainable jobs in "Strategica Vision" Ltd.

The realization of this project proposal will contribute to solving identified in the employment problems of high unemployment. According to NSI data for the first quarter of 2015 unemployed persons in Bulgaria were 349.2 thousand and the unemployment rate is 10.6%. For the same period the number of economically inactive persons (outside the labour force) aged 15-64 was 1.5 million. Combating unemployment among vulnerable groups in the labour market is among the key priorities of the National Reform Programme 2012-2020. Furthermore, the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour process is essential for their integration into society and improving quality of life. In the above aspects, the project provides measures to improve access to employment and job quality and promote the active involvement of distant from the labour market. To realize this purpose the company plans to reveal four new jobs and provide sustainable employment for the unemployed and inactive persons. Thus the project will be a direct investment in human capital aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills and ensuring the right to work and decent pay. Company plans to implement this project in the city of Blagoevgrad, where he will reveal his office and thus to expand its activities in the South West region. The activities and their temporal range are linked to underlying project objectives and necessary for their implementation, ensuring the expected results. The project activities provides its management (project management team), purchase of equipment and furniture for securing new work places, implementation of publicity measures, detection of four new work places and provide employment for the unemployed and inactive.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Sep, 2016
End date 01 Nov, 2017
Contract date 11 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 51,460.00
Grant 51,460.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 49,752.65
EU participation percent 85.0%
