Achieving sustainable employment through creation of new work places in the "STAR POST" Ltd.

The project envisages provision of 40 new sustainable jobs for STAR POST LTD. Whit purpose to create a favorable working environment, revealed the project jobs will be equipped and furnished. This project meets the needs of unemployed young people under 29 years of age and inactive persons, by creating conditions for access to employment and sustainable inclusion in the labor market. Provide employment of STAR POST LTD is in an area that is attractive enough for young people and at the same time is an area of professional development that enables a person to appearances, to express themselves and show their knowledge and skills. Applicants under this project is a company that continues to evolve and seek new ways and means for its improvement. This procedure is in line with the strategic objectives of STAR POST LTD. and in particular in hiring young people, their qualification and social inclusion, by satisfying the needs of the company for sustainable development and the creation of real opportunities for personal and professional development of active and ambitious people. The target groups of the project are: Unemployed youths up to 29 years inclusive; Inactive persons. The project aims to create 40 sustainable jobs in the STAR POST LTD. through employment of youths under 29 years old and inactive person. As a result of the project target groups will undergo, which will be achieved to improve their qualifications, experience and competitiveness. Key project activities: 1. Organization and management of the project. 2. Selection of contractors for the project. 3. Purchase of equipment, furniture and work clothes. 4. Selection, appointment and employment. 5. Activities for information and publicity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2016
End date 01 May, 2018
Contract date 30 Jun, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 390,790.52
Grant 390,790.52
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 292,275.39
EU participation percent 85.0%
