New work place in “BOIV commerce” Ltd.

The overall objective of the project proposal is to create sustainable working places for unemployed and inactive people in “BOIV commerce” Ltd. Specific objectives of the project proposal are: • Providing access to the labor market for unemployed and inactive people; • Integration into the labor market of the most vulnerable groups by providing them access to quality training for acquiring vocational qualifications and key competences; •Motivation and promotion employment among unemployed and inactive young people aged up to 29 years and provision of conditions for active working life; •Creating the necessary conditions for improving the technological quality of the new working places by purchasing of new modern equipment. The activities planned for implementation in the project are as follows: Activity 1: Organization and management; Activity 2: Selection of the target group; Activity 3: Hiring unemployed and inactive people for a period of up to 12 months; Activity 4: Providing training for the already employed people for key competence 4 “Digital competence”; Activity 5: Purchase of work clothes and equipment associated with the creation of new working places Activity 6: Information and publicity As a result of the implementation of the project activities 34 unemployed and inactive people will be employed under contracts in “BOIV commerce” Ltd. 13 of them will be provided with vocational training for part of profession for second or third qualification degree and other 12 representatives of the target group will be trained in Key competence 4 “Digital competence”. In order to improve the quality of the working places a high-tech machine is envisaged to be bought and 4 of the newly employed people are going to use it in their work.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Mar, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 30 Mar, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 346,090.70
Grant 346,090.70
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 309,419.41
EU participation percent 85.0%
