The purpose of this project is to provide sustainable employment by opening new workplaces. After the expanding of the production capacity and the opening of the new warehouses the management of Citro Ltd. has such need. The planned combination of measures will eliminate the company need for workers and also will affect on the problem of unemployment caused by lower level of education, lack of experience, distance from work and other various circumstances of social exclusion. This goal will be achieved through the specific objectives: -opening of new workplaces -new employees will be included in training program for gaining a professional qualification -sustainability in the workplace through the purchase of necessary equipment Target groups: -unemployed and/or inactive youths up to age 29. -unemployed and/or inactive persons the age of which is between 30 and 54 years. The following activities are planned: 1)Open new workplaces to unemployed and/or inactive people for a period of 12 months 2)Providing professional training to the new workers to acquire full proficiency in second degree professional qualification and partial training of third degree professional qualification 3)Purchase of equipment related to the creation of new workplaces 4)Organization and management of the project 5)Information and transparency Expected results: -Hired unemployed and/or inactive people-16 /8 who are up to 29 years/ -Provided 3 training for professional qualification -Retention of new opened workplaces after the completion of the project - 9 pcs. -Purchased handling equipment- electrical forklift - 1 -Purchased mobile terminal devices- 2 pcs. -Information boards - 2 pcs. -Information stickers - 3 pcs. -Produced and aired radio spots - 2 pcs.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 Aug, 2016 |
End date | 10 Aug, 2018 |
Contract date | 11 Aug, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 227,200.80 |
Grant | 227,200.80 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 214,382.57 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |