New job opportunities and professional development at "SINA-83" Ltd.

The project of "Son-83" LTD provides for the opening of 63 new jobs in relation to expansion and recruitment of qualified unemployed and / or inactive as follows: up to 29 persons. - 30pcs. Over AD 54. - 20br. and 30d. to AD 54. - 13 persons. Given the specificity of the "Son 83" Ltd. plans its development objectives and target audience / TG ​​/ this program, nearly 80% of newly employed persons are young people up to 29 years., The other 20% of the recruitment will be representatives of the target project group, including and designated for priority suitable for new positions, namely: 1. Tailor, Code: 75331014, of which up to 29. - 22; over AD 54. - 10; than 30 years. to AD 54. - 6; Total: 38 persons 2. A worker auxiliary sewing business code: 75311012, of which up to 29.: -1; over AD 54.- 1; than 30 years. to 54 years.-1; Total: 3 persons 3. Packaging, Code: 93210006, of which up to 29. -2; than 30 years. to AD 54y. -2; Total: - 4 persons 4. Pressing iron, Code: 91210002, of which up to 29. -5; than 30 years. 54y. to-2; Total: 7 persons 5. Service worker, manufacturing, Code: 93290017, of which over 54y.-8; than 30 years. to AD 54. - 2; Total: 10 persons 6. Cleaner production facilities Code: 91120003, of which over AD 54y. -1; Total: 1 person Activities in the project: Activity 1 - "Organization and Management Project ' Activity 2 - "Hiring unemployed and / or inactive for a period of 12 months" Action 3 - "Provision of publicity." With the implementation of the project will enable to increase employment in economically less-favored region and to contribute to fulfilling the objectives of Priority 1: "Improving access to employment and job quality" OP HRD 2014-2020. In within which this operation "New Workplace 2015".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 23 Aug, 2016
End date 23 Nov, 2017
Contract date 23 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 367,700.16
Grant 367,700.16
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 366,330.16
EU participation percent 85.0%
