"Nice trip apllying new workplace 2015"

The project name is „Nice trip apllying new workplace 2015”. Joint-stock company „TAXI - S EKSPRES INS” is registered under the Commercial Code with main activity " Passenger taxi ". The company has contracts to serve more than 30 corporate clients , including hotels " Kempinski Zografski ", " Down -Town " Airport "Sofia", Mall " Paradise ", UBB AD daily are serviced residents and guests of the capital - foreign and Bulgarian citizens. The project proposal of " Taxi By Express " JSC plans revealing 45 new jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons wanting to work as drivers of passenger taxis. Persons will be appointed on contracts for a period of eight months, will undergo training in two key competence "Learning English" and 4 key competence "Digital competence" for computer work - 45 hours . The project envisages to purchase nine cars, as his employer account will equip them and completes to meet the requirements for taxi transportation of passengers. Also, the employer will pay for specialized training for drivers, additional remuneration for night work, as it provides three-shift operation. After completion of the project will leave an employer of 27 people work for a period not less than one year or to achieve sustainable 60% of newly created jobs.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 01 Aug, 2016
End date 01 Jun, 2017
Contract date 29 Jul, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 389,374.15
Grant 389,374.15
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

