New workplaces in “G P G Commerce” Ltd.

Achieving higher economic growth and creating more and better jobs are key priorities of the EU. In this regard, especially important is the focus on fighting unemployment among the most vulnerable groups in the labor market - young people, long-term unemployed and older people. "New workplaces in “G P G Commerce” Ltd." project aims to contribute to creating sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons of these most vulnerable groups by providing access to employment for unemployed young people aged up to 29 years, and long-term unemployed and/or inactive people aged over 30, and/or unemployed aged over 54, and/or unemployed with low level of education. The project should achieve: Sustainable employment and providing an opportunity for professional development of 6 unemployed and/or inactive people in the target groups of the project for a period of 12 months. Creating quality labor conditions for new workplaces. Transparency and legality of project activities and promotion of the role of the ESF and HRD OP 2014-2020 in their implementation. To achieve the goals and targets the following activities and measures will be undertaken: 1. Selection and Employment of 6 unemployed and/or inactive persons for a period of 12 months; 2. Equipment of 4 new workplaces; 3. Measures for information and publicity. 4. Organization and management of project activities. Project Duration - 16 months.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 Oct, 2016
End date 03 Feb, 2018
Contract date 03 Oct, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 81,714.00
Grant 81,714.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 78,054.46
EU participation percent 85.0%
