Improving access to employment and quality of jobs in the "Lorton" Ltd.

Company "Lorton" Ltd. specializes in machine embroidery and clothing production and it is developing with positive rates in recent years. The high quality of the company's products is achieved by investing not only in modern equipment for work, but also in staff training. The reason for this is that the quality of products is determined in a great extent on the skills and professionalism of the individuals who made them. With a view to expansion of the company it needs to hire additional manpower. In this context, the overall objective of the project proposal is to create new jobs, and opportunities for career success and integration into the labor market for 22 unemployed and inactive persons within the priority target groups of the program in "Lorton" LTD. The target group consists of 10 long-term unemployed and inactive and 12 unemployed youths to 29 years. In order to achieve the objectives of the project will contribute concrete results of five activities within its framework: 1) Organization and project management. Performance will generally be: ensure the organization and management of the project. 2) Hiring of unemployed and / or inactive for a period of 12 months with a score hiring of 22 unemployed and / or inactive for a period of 12 months. 3) Provide training for professional qualification with a score providing vocational training and qualification of 22 unemployed and / or inactive. 4) Purchase of equipment, furniture, DNA and furniture related to the creation of new jobs with a score purchased and delivered equipment required for the new jobs created. 5) Provide information and publicity of the project with a score provided information and publicity of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Aug, 2016
End date 16 Mar, 2018
Contract date 16 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 222,608.64
Grant 222,608.64
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 222,355.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
