"Increasing the efficiency in Steteks Ltd through creation of new workplaces "

The company Stetex EOOD was established in 2014 and its main activity is the production of outerwear, with the exception of work clothing. The company has a long-term lease for production premises in the town of Vratsa – the one that currently fulfills all orders, in the town of Svoge and in the town of Sapareva Banya. The company Stetex EOOD is commissioned the production of down jackets for proven Italian producers such as Dovetica Bulgaria, Bultesile, Exemplare, and other world-known firms on the European markets. The company currently has 30 employees, 70% of whom are in Vratsa, which is also the company’s leading production unit. Due to the shortage of workforce in the towns of Svoge and Sapareva Banya, the company is forced to assign some of the orders to subcontractors. The general aim of the project proposal is to contribute to improving the access to employment and workplace quality. The specific project aim is to provide employment to 31 unemployed persons aged up to 64 at Stetex EOOD. In order to achieve these objectives, the company envisages to recruit 31 unemployed persons, and 60% of them will be part of the target group – unemployed with low education, unemployed aged over 54 and unemployed aged up 29 years including. As a result of positioning the production premises in 3 different settlements, the newly appointed persons will be from the respective regions – 10 from Svoge, 20 from Sapareva Banya, and 1 from Vratsa. They will be employed for a period of 12 months within the project and following its completion 16 will stay at work for at least 1 year. As part of the project implementation, it is planned to purchase the equipment needed for creating the new workplaces. The project objectives will contribute to solving and identifying the needs and problems of the representatives of the target group, involved in the project through the provision of work.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 Oct, 2016
End date 11 Jun, 2018
Contract date 11 Oct, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 271,412.00
Grant 271,412.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 267,584.91
EU participation percent 85.0%
