Creating new jobs

Project proposal focuses on specific targets for unemployment and employment, combating unemployment among vulnerable groups in the labor market, especially youth and long-term unemployed, as well as achieving higher employment among older people. It offers increase in the share of the labor force in all age groups and will contribute to mitigating the effects of aging. The activities provided in the project are consistent with the primary objective of the Priority Axis 1 of OP HRD, namely "increasing economic activity and integration of vulnerable groups and inactive the labor market "and form:1. Organization and management of the project; 2. Hiring unemployed and / or inactive for a period of 12 months; 3. Providing training for already employed under the project on key competences: Key competence 2 "Correspondence language" key competence 4 "Digital competence" 4. Providing healthy and safe working conditions by signing a contract with the occupational health for a period of 12 months;5. Purchasing of equipment, furniture, DNA and furniture related to the creation of new jobs ; 6. Insurance acquired for furniture and equipment; 7. Providing funds for missions already employed under the project included training in key competencies; 8.Informing and publicity; 9. Accounting and control. Punctuality of the nine project activities is aimed at achieving specific goals and objectives of the project. Expected results from their implementation will contribute to the fulfillment of the project indicating implementation and results. This will lead to training and education of 18 people from the risk groups to get out of the category of long-term unemployed and will have the opportunity to implement and training, which in turn will contribute to building a stable, based Knowledgable and Innovative market economy.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 29 Aug, 2016
End date 28 Feb, 2018
Contract date 29 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 241,502.68
Grant 241,502.68
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 241,502.23
EU participation percent 85.0%
