The main idea of this project is related to the support of unemployed young people in terms of their integration into the labor market and their inclusion in employment. Taking into account the identified challenges and needs, the project sets as a main aim to promote the disclosure of qualitative and sustainable employment for vulnerable groups, together with raising the quality characteristics of the workforce. In this context, the project plans to open 6 new workplaces for the regions of Sofia and Blagoevgrad. It aims to provide sustainable employment through the conditions that creates and the commitment of the Applicant to preserve at least 50% of these workplaces after the project. Efforts are focused on the provision of more but also better workplaces, and secondly, on the improvement of the capacity and the quality of the workforce - the newly hired employees. In this regard, the project plans to purchase the necessary equipment for the specificities and needs of the working positions which will help to modernize and adapt them to the new trends and requirements of the sector and the market. This eventually provides a better quality and attractiveness of the offered job positions. In regard to the other main direction of the project - improving the quality characteristics of the workforce, some measures for providing opportunities for development and lifelong learning are planned. The project offers training on key competences for the unemployed young people when hired. This contributes directly to satisfy their need for easier access to forms of learning and improvement. It allows their faster adaptation to the workplace conditions and the needs of the employer. All these project aspects create prerequisites for ensuring sustainable and quality workplaces combined with skilled, competent and motivated staff.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Aug, 2016 |
End date | 15 Oct, 2017 |
Contract date | 15 Aug, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 81,488.00 |
Grant | 81,488.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 79,786.45 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |