"Creating new and sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons in Cherga Foundation"

The project provides the creation of new jobs for 6 persons unemployed or inactive who will be given the opportunity for professional development, building professional competencies by providing employment. The implementation will create conditions for professional development of unemployed, inactive and disabled people in the business of the Foundation in developing, magazines materials, design and prepress, printing and distribution of the magazine "Cherga" (bilingual magazine for Bulgarian culture, natural beauty, traditions, history, crafts and customs) also developing, maintaining and publishing of updated information on the website of the Foundation. To meet the objectives of the project will be provided employment of unemployed and inactive persons with a corresponding degree of specialization and provided new jobs - Editor - 2 persons, PR - 2 persons, designer - 1 person, web-administrator - 1 person, accountant - 1 person. The project provides to be hired unemployed, inactive and disabled people who will develop their professional skills and qualifications and after the expiry of the project, at least four of them will continue to work in the Foundation. Achieving the aims and the indicators will contribute to the successful integration into society of persons of risk groups at the labor market by providing employment and sustainable jobs, improve the quality of life of employees and the income and standard of their families. To achieve the common aim of "Creating sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons" and to achieve the expected results will be implemented the following activities: Organization, management, execution and reporting of the project; Define the criteria for selection, recruitment of unemployed, inactive people and people with disabilities; Arranging jobs for newly - furniture, equipment, software, etc .; Implementation of measures for publicity and visualization of projects and programs.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Oct, 2016
End date 30 Sep, 2018
Contract date 28 Oct, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 91,580.00
Grant 91,580.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 90,263.34
EU participation percent 85.0%
