"Creation of new job positions at "Pozharna Zashtita" OOD"

The purpose of the project is the creation of sustainable employment for jobless and inactive people by integration on the labour market of jobless adolescents up to 29 years old and jobless people over 54 years old. Specific project goals: - creation of conditions for long term employment of 6 unemployed and/or inactive people, 5 adolescents up to 29 years old and 1 person over 54 years old, for a period of 12 months; - Provision of equipment for 5 job positions; - Establishing conditions for adhering to the horizontal principles of "Equal opportunities and non-discrimination", "Gender Equality" and "Sustainable Development"; - retention of at least 50 % of the job positions for at least 12 months upon completion of the project; Planned project activities and main results include: ACTIVITY 1 - Organisation and management Main results: Provision of effective and quality project management and adherence to project timetable; Achieved project goals, results and indicators; Meeting deadlines for completion of the project - 31.12.2017; ACTIVITY 2 - Employing jobless and/or inactive people for a period of 12 months; Main results: 6 inactive and/or jobless people employed for a period of 12 months - 5 from target group adolescents up to 29 years old and 1 form target group jobless people over 54 years old; Retention of at least 50 % of the job positions for a period of at least 12 months after completion of project activities; ACTIVITY 3 - Purchase of equipment, Intangible assets and inventory for the creation of the new job positions; Main results: Purchased equipment for creation of 5 new job positions and its retention for its intended use for a period of 5 years; ACTIVITY 4 - Publicity and visualisation Main results: appropriate steps taken for visualisation and publicizing the project in accordance with the requirements of the Unified manual of the beneficiary for application of the information and communication rules for 2014-2020.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Aug, 2016
End date 09 Dec, 2017
Contract date 09 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 76,194.08
Grant 76,194.08
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 76,078.84
EU participation percent 85.0%


South-West and South Central Bulgaria (BG4)