Creation of new jobs for professional realization in "PRAIMSS KOMPANY" Ltd.

This project proposal presents the intention of "PRAIMSS KOMPANY" Ltd. to open two new job positions in the company. A staff of four new people will be hired on full-time contract there. The present company’s activity is Consultancy and public relations . (NKID 2008) The additional activities that would be developed with the new job positions would be in the Advertising and market research sector that is tightly related with the professional experience and competence of the owner- Svetlana Hristova- Galabova, who is a manager of the company.The project will be realized with the opening of two new job positions and hiring of two unemployed or economically inactive people from the project’s target groups. Analyzing the PR Consultancy market opportunities in Veliko Tarnovo we could summarize that the market is limited. The employer focuses on the "Unemployed young people aged up to 29 included" and "Long-term unemployed or economically inactive people" who can be the basis of the company team.The project will be realized with the implementation of the following key activities: opening of new job positions and hiring of people from the target groups; ensuring a training that is adequate to the positions they will hold. The other main activity, part of the project realization, is providing of equipment optimal for the activity of the newly created job positions. There are some additional activities related to the disclosure of these new job positions : providing insurance for the equipment bought according to the project, providing healthy and safe working conditions, as for this purpose, the employer will contract with a company specialized in occupational medicine.Regarding the implementation and reporting of the project, it will be counted on a team that will be responsible for the organization, management and reporting. Public will be informed about the contribution of HRD OP to the project by means of ensuring the openness and transparency of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 08 Aug, 2016
End date 08 Oct, 2017
Contract date 05 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 59,159.62
Grant 59,159.62
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 56,579.92
EU participation percent 85.0%


Veliko Tarnovo