New opportunities for the unemployed and inactive persons career in SG Group Ltd.

S.G.Grup (SGG) is the most successful and effective Collectors company with entirely Bulgarian property.SGGis the preferred partner for recovery of all mobile operators. The good results of the Bulgarian market, give reason to come and work abroad.With the realization of this project proposal SGGaims to create sustainable jobs for unemployed / inactive people and improve their qualifications by providing professional development through training in key competence 2 "Communication in foreign languages, which will lead to their integration in the labor market.This project is entirely directed towards improving access to employment and quality jobs by investing in human capital.With the implementation of the project SGGfocus on increasing adaptability of unemployed / inactive, by enhancing their professional qualification and conduct appropriate training on key competences. This will improve the competitiveness SGG.Implementation of the project will promote the development of the services sector and as a result will contribute to ensuring the right of unemployed / inactive people to participate fully in society and decent work, sustainable social protection, ensure equal opportunities and thereby intensify the economic and social cohesion.With the opening of the new jobs are intended to widen the scope and quality of services.For purpose is planned to modernize working methods by investing in human resource of the company, including conducting appropriate training on key competences of newly employees.To achieve the set objectives will be implemented the following activities: Selection of unemployed and inactive persons; Providing employment SGG; Providing training on key competence 2 "Communication in foreign languages; Purchase and delivery of fixed assets for the performance of official duties of the newly persons .

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 12 Aug, 2016
End date 12 Feb, 2018
Contract date 12 Aug, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 164,346.26
Grant 164,346.26
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 153,455.26
EU participation percent 85.0%

