"Ray mebel group" LTD was founded in 2009 in Burgas. The company's activities are: manufacture, supply, installation and design of standard and custom furniture for home and office; complete repairs form A to Z. The company carries out orders, both for individuals and for different companies and hotels. "Ray mebel group" LTD offers its clients all kinds of furniture from chipboard, MDF, from natural wood - beech, oak, maple, ash, walnut and many other - kitchen furniture, desks, beds, wardrobes, mattresses and all necessary appliances and tools of all types. With this project proposal "Ray mebel group" LTD applies for opening 6 new jobs, due to the increasing volume of company's work. The project proposal's purposes are: 1. Opening 6 new jobs - this purpose contributes to achieving higher employment (reducing the unemployment) 2. Securing the work of the new employees, by purchasing the required equipment and working clothes 3. Keeping at least 50% of the new jobs for minimum 12 months after project's implementation 4. Increasing the average staff number, which will contribute for the faster and better performing of the client's orders The aforementioned purposes will be achieved by the implementation of the following activities: 1. Hiring 6 people from the procedure's target group - unemployed and inactive people for a period of 12 months 2. Purchasing equipment and working clothes, required for the new jobs 3. Project organization and management activities 4. Project information and publicity activities In order to contribute to the objectives of Operational programme "Human resources development", at least 50% of the newly hired people in "Ray mebel group" LTD will be from the procedure's prior specific categories.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Sep, 2016 |
End date | 07 Dec, 2017 |
Contract date | 07 Sep, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 56,278.64 |
Grant | 56,278.64 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 55,303.64 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |