SOT 161 in support for new work places

The general goal to achieve has for purpose the project to bring improvement of reach to employment and raise the level of integration of unemployed and unactive people, by securing of new work places in company SOT - Signalizing Security Technics LTD. To be target group of project are defined all unemployed and unactive people in regions of Sofia and Varna cities, as at least 50% of selected candidates to participate in the project are suposed to be long term unemployed and unactive people and/or unemployed young people in the age of 29 years. Activities planned to be performed are expected to secure target goals and we expect the following results: 1. Making selection and offering 12 months employment to 36 unemployed and unactive people mostly from groups with specific features. Selected participants will be assigned on duty "Patrol, security service". For the project performance period salary will be provided to recruited people as much as the minimum guaranteed wage is, according to the economic activity and qualification group of professions for current year, and there are provided ammounts in budget for insurance tax duties for the employer that concern these new disclosed work places. 2. Purchasing equipment for new disclosed work places – it is assumed to be delivered 5 highly passable vehicles to gather units from new employees, who are about to be included actively in the main bussiness of the company - facility security. 3. Organization, management and accounting of the project. Information and publicity. We expect making it real this project to help to working and ability of hiring people to bring positive effects over the general level of employment and quality of work places, welth and life quality. Providing 36 quality jobs for target group representatives in the project, we believe, will respond their needs for income and social accesion and better life quality.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 17 Sep, 2016
End date 17 Jan, 2018
Contract date 17 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 488,767.80
Grant 391,014.24
Self finance 97,753.56
Total paid 349,883.54
EU participation percent 85.0%
