New opportunity for successful employment

"Fenix Green" Ltd. is a growing and leading company in the field of waste and scrap metal wholesale. It is situated in its own functional facilities. The development of the company and the increased number of clients leads to growth and necessity for specified profiling of the work processes in order to achieve a high level of quality of the provided services and the commercial relationship with the clients. Therefore, this project proposal aims professional integration of young people under 29 years of age, of unemployed or inactive people of age between 30 and 53, as well as of unemployed or inactive people of age over 54. The main activities and measures to achieve this are: - Providing employment to unemployed and / or inactive people for a period of 12 months - the company will hire 20 people. We intend to hire 50% unemployed people who are up to 29-years and over 54 and 50% of people of age between 30 and 53. - Purchase of equipment for the newly opened job positions – An installation for shredding of discarded tires will be purchase, it will be used by the newly appointed people of job positions of metal-cutter and baler-packer to carry out their professional activity on their specific job positions. - Establishment of ten sustainable job positions after the end of the project proposal, by selecting among the people of the target group. The planned project activities include: selection of the target group; employment of unemployed and / or inactive people for a period of 12 months; Purchase of equipment, furniture, intangible assets and inventory; Organization and Management, and Information and publicity. The financial capacity of the company is stable, which is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the planned activities. The implementation of the project will improve the access to employment and the quality of job positions, providing that the target group will integrate in the labor market sustainably.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 Sep, 2016
End date 19 Nov, 2017
Contract date 19 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 281,042.84
Grant 281,042.84
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 275,636.62
EU participation percent 85.0%
