The "New direction"will focus on the integration of some of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market, namely the unemployed and inactive people, and more specifically- the unemployed youth up to 29 years inclusive. Scope of the project proposal is not only the improvement and the functioning of the labor market, but also the increasing investment in human resources, support for the economic development, which generates more and better jobs in order to increase employment, productivity and social inclusion. 30 young people from 15 cities will be involved in the "New direction"project. The project proposal aims to create conditions for sustainable employment and increase competitiveness of the new employees at "SIS Credit"AD. The Company will provide employment for 15 people in Sofia, 2 in Veliko Tarnovo and 13 people in the following cities -Varna,Kazanlak,Karlovo,Stara Zagora,Pleven,Burgas,Ruse,Plovdiv,Kozloduy,Vratsa,Yambol,Razgrad and Blagoevgrad. The project will provide training in foreign languages-English, and digital competence - ICT,successful completion of which would increase the professional competence of new employees and their efficiency, as a result of which will increase their productivity and competitiveness. Through training on key competences, the project will enable participants to focus on their own development-improving intellectual property and digital skills. The newly recruited young people will have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skill, to generate ideas, to draw experience from the real working environment, so they can be active at national and European level. Allowing for the inclusion of young people in the project is the key to improving the quality of employment at "SIS Credit". By participating in this project the foundations for the construction of youth as individuals will be laid, because the young people will be the engine for growth and change in society. The project is worth 381 019.51lev for a period of 20 m.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 10 Oct, 2016 |
End date | 10 Jun, 2018 |
Contract date | 10 Oct, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 380,884.51 |
Grant | 380,884.51 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 353,183.52 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |