The current project proposal aims to create 20 new, sustainable jobs at "Trainer consult" Ltd., through core action, related to the selection of human resources, their training and machine procurement. Target group: Unemployed and inactive people of Municipalities of Sofia and Gabrovo, of which at least 50% included at least one of the following specific categories: -Unemployed persons with low education level (below ISCED 313); -Long-term unemployed and inactive persons; -Unemployed persons aged over 54 years; -Unemployed youths, who no exceed 29 years; Further at least 50% of persons, will be from the specified specific groups. Activities: 1.Recruitment of inactive and unemployed persons and providing sustainable employmen for 25116005 Business Consultant, IT - 13 persons and 24116004 Accountant - 7 persons; 2.Purchase the necessary technical equipment , as an investment in the jobs. 3.Provision of professional training profession Organizer Internet Apps and Accountant; 4.Providing training on key competences "Digital competence" and "Foreign languages" 5.Activities for information and publicity. 6.Activities for the organization and management of the project. Planned results: -Unemployed and inactive participants involved in the project activities end employed - at least 20 persons; -unemployed and non-active participants at the check-out operation acquire qualifications –at least 20p.; -Unemployed and inactive participants who at the check-out operation still has a job –at least 10p.; Sustainability: Will preserve the employment of at least 50% of the newest jobs, created at the project action, for a period of at least 12 months, without interruption, once the project activities are all finished. The project proposal is in conformity with the needs of the target group in terms of employment, stable incomes, increased qualification and competitiveness on the labor market, social cohesion in terms of socioeconomic status and their development.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 08 Sep, 2016 |
End date | 08 Apr, 2018 |
Contract date | 08 Sep, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 362,160.00 |
Grant | 362,160.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 344,321.71 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |