Creation of new sustainable jobs in POWERNET EOOD

This project aims to provide sustainable employment through the creation of new job places. Powernet ltd has such a requirement after expanding the customer network coverage and the provision of high quality Internet services. The planned combination of measures will solve serious problems not only in the company, but also of unemployed people who due to insufficient degree or the lack of experience and various other discriminatory obstacles are placed in these conditions of social isolation. The overall target will be accomplished through specific objectives: - the creation of new job places - including the new recruitments in trainings for acquiring professional qualification - sustainability in the workplace by purchasing the necessary equipment The target groups are: - Unemployed and / or inactive young people up to age 29 (including 29) - Unemployed and / or inactive people between the age of 30 and 54 The following activities are planned: 1) Providing employment to unemployed and / or inactive people for a period of 12 months 2) Providing professional training for already employed people for acquisition of part of the profession in third degree 3) Purchasing of equipment that is associated with creating new job places 4) Activity for organization and project management 5) Activity for informing people and publicity Expected results: - hired unemployed and / or inactive people - 29 people (including up to age of 29 - 20 people) - conducted 1 training for professional competence - received documents certifying professional training- 10 - preservation of the new jobs that are created after the end of the project- 20 - cars that are bought, type pickup - 2 - purchased percussion drills - 5 - purchased equipment for binding and measuring the optical fiber - 2 - laptop- 8 - PC- 9 - information boards- 2 - information stickers - 26 - produced and broadcast radio spots- 2

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Sep, 2016
End date 20 Jan, 2018
Contract date 20 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 376,820.00
Grant 376,820.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 348,135.14
EU participation percent 85.0%
