A new way

Project proposal " A new way" disclosure provides sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons, representatives of the target group. The project will provide disclosure of three jobs, which will be filled 5 representatives of the target group. . New jobs will be the following: 1 job for the position "shop assistant" who will be employed 2 people, working in two shifts ; one workplace for the positionone driver , which will be employed two person , working in two shifts and one workplace for the position hygienist , which will be employed one person . Objectives of the project: Creation of sustainable jobs Support the inclusion of the labor market and the integration of the most vulnerable groups of unemployed and inactive. Improving the qualifications of employees from the target group. The project objectives will be achieved through the following actions to be implemented: Activity 1: Recruitment of unemployed and inactive persons for period up to 12 months; Activity 2: Purchase of proper equipment and furniture needed for the new jobs created; Activity 3: Training of the profession of staff for workplace "carpenter, upholsterer" Activity 4: Forming a team of management and reporting of the project. Activity 5: Preview and publicity of the project. Activity 6: Insurance purchased equipment. Activity 7: Implementation of activities in occupational medicine for new jobs. It is planned to be appointed at least 4 persons representatives of specific categories of the target group as follows: - Unemployed with low level of education - 1 person. - Long-term unemployed - 1 person. - Young people up to 29 years - 2 people .

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Oct, 2016
End date 06 Dec, 2017
Contract date 06 Oct, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 56,057.44
Grant 56,057.44
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 55,236.79
EU participation percent 85.0%

