New way

The project "New way" OP "Human Resources Development" was prepared by application guidelines under the scheme: BG05M9OP001-1.003 "New Workplace 2015". The project activities will be implemented in the Republic of Bulgaria in - Plovdiv. The project duration is 16 months. The main objective of the project is to provide preconditions for the creation of sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons. The main activities to be undertaken in the project are: Activity 1: Organization and project management; Activity 2: Purchase of equipment, furniture, DNA and furniture related to the creation of new jobs; Activity 3: Hiring of unemployed and / or inactive for a period of 12 months; Activity 4: Provide training already employed under the project on key competencies; Activity 5: Provide information and publicity of the project. Through these activities will be achieved planned results: unemployed and inactive persons who upon leaving receive training and have jobs. Description of the target group: Representatives of the target group in the project are 4 the number of persons unemployed and inactive participants, young people aged up to 29 years including 4 the number of persons long-term unemployed and inactive persons. The number of persons from the target group involved in the project is 8 people. The total cost of the project is 93 819.44 lev.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Aug, 2016
End date 01 Dec, 2017
Contract date 01 Aug, 2016
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Financial information

Total cost 93,819.44
Grant 93,819.44
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 92,134.86
EU participation percent 85.0%
