New jobs to promote employment in "PRODUKTAGRO" Ltd.

This project proposal was prepared in accordance with identified needs on the one hand the target group of the project to create more jobs, employment and income, providing opportunities for professional development and training, improvement of adaptability and competitiveness. On the other hand meets the need for targeted support for business opportunities for subsidized employment in the detection of new workers and promote their employability and investment in vulnerable groups in the labor market. General: Integration of vulnerable groups in the labor market by creating sustainable jobs for the unemployed and inactive persons. Specific objectives • Increasing the level of competence of the unemployed and / or inactive, by including them in training. • Increasing the level of employment through creation and resourcing of jobs "PRODUKTAGRO" LTD. The project will reveal 18 new jobs, with a focus on recruitment will be placed on particular candidates, representatives of specific categories of the target group: - Unemployed persons with low education level (below ISCED 3) - Long-term unemployed and inactive persons; - Unemployed or inactive persons with disabilities; - Unemployed persons aged '54 .; - Unemployed youths up to 29 years incl. for the territory of Sofia and Rousse. basic activities 1.Upravlenie and accountability of the project. Information and publicity 2.Conducts selection and recruitment of unemployed and inactive persons 3. Power-on training of the target group 4.Dostavka of equipment for new jobs With this project "PRODUKTAGRO" Ltd. demonstrated its social commitment and readiness for social dialogue. The results of the project could lead to a significant contribution to multiply in other enterprises, increasing both productivity and quality of labor, economic growth, employment and social welfare of vulnerable groups in the labor market.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 19 Sep, 2016
End date 19 Dec, 2017
Contract date 19 Sep, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 252,260.38
Grant 252,260.38
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 50,452.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
