Apex Medica Ltd. was established in 2013 and its main activities are: trading with hospital and pharmaceutical supplies, and medical technology. The company trades with a full product portfolio for invasive cardiology, surgical instruments and sutures. Apex Medica Ltd. supplies hospitals throughout the country and some of its major customers are the biggest cardiological hospitals. The company ensures leading European companies presence on the Bulgarian market, and supply a full product portfolio for invasive cardiology, surgical sutures and instruments in the Dental, Plastic Surgery, General Surgery, Specialties and Veterinary fields. Due to the specifics of the company's activities, hiring skilled and experienced employees is almost imposible. That is why the management has turned its attention towards finding ambitious and motivated people who are willing to learn at work. During the first month of the employment the new employee shall get acquainted with the company's activity and the specifics of his work. Currently the list of employees consists of three people, (2 males and 1 female). For the purpose of maintaining and expanding its market positions by improving the quality of the provided services, as well as the opportunities provided by the OP Human Resources Development, Apex Medica Ltd. plans to create 10 new job positions. This shall allow the company to achieve more accurate, timely and quality services to current and potential customers. Opening new job positions and hiring job-seekers and inactive people, including representatives of the target groups, fully complies with Priority Axis 1 "Improving the access to employment and quality of jobs".
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Apr, 2017 |
End date | 06 Oct, 2018 |
Contract date | 06 Apr, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 127,193.64 |
Grant | 127,193.64 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 120,294.81 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |