New jobs for new activities in Innovation Bulgaria Ltd

The needs which will be met with this project are the creation of employment in the field of hotels and restaurants. The target groups treated by the project are: • long-term unemployed and inactive persons; • unemployed aged over 54 years; • young people up to 29 years; • people with education lower than secondary one. The project objectives are: • the creation of sustainable employment, including disadvantaged at the labor market; • creation of 38 new jobs in a company – Innovation Bulgaria Ltd. The expected results are: • Created 38 jobs including: an Electronics technician – 1 persons; a laundress 2 - persons; a maid – 5 persons; a waiter – 5 persons; a barman – 2 persons; a receptionist - 4 persons; manciple - 1 person; a Specialist, marketing and advertising - 1 person; a seller – 1 person; a Specialist, computer networks and systems – 1 person; production recording clerk – 1 person; a cooker – 6 persons; chef - 2 persons; mechanical technicians - 1 person; a fitness instructor – 1 person; driver - 1 person; an animator – 1 persons; piccolo - 2 persons • Provision of employment for 38 people, out of which at least 19, representatives of target groups such as (young people up to 29 years; long-term unemployed and inactive persons, unemployed persons over 54 years; and people with education lower than secondary one); • Purchased and employed new equipment for the purposes of some of the newly created jobs; • Project management, including – an appointed team of three members; • Visualization – conducted press conferences; developed brochures, posters, an information board and publications in the media releasing project information; The main project activities are: • Hiring of unemployed and / or inactive in Innovation Bulgaria Ltd; • Investments in tangible assets for the purposes of the new jobs; • Project management; • Visualization and publicity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 May, 2017
End date 01 Aug, 2018
Contract date 28 Apr, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 390,203.33
Grant 390,203.33
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 388,786.29
EU participation percent 85.0%
