In 2015 "BULGAZ ENGINEERING" Ltd. started extension of the services it offers by performing not only construction of plumbing installations, but also cleaning, preservation and disinfection of water systems in residential buildings in order these to meet EU Directive 98/83, which requires hiring of additional staff. Thus, in the implementation of its strategic business objectives and in full consonance with the objectives of OPHRD "BULGAZ ENGINEERING" will implement this present Project which provides for the hiring of 10 unemployed or inactive persons from the target groups (2 young people aged up to 29 years, with primary or lower education degree or completed secondary or higher education seeking work or inactive, 3 unemployed or inactive people over 54 and 5 unemployed and inactive persons aged 30 to 54) for the positions of "Plumber" and "Construction and Architecture Technician", the provision of employment and wages for a period of 12 months and the creation of appropriate conditions for the conduct of the professional obligations of these newly employed persons through equipping 10 new job places. After the completion of the implementation of the Project "BULGAZ ENGINEERING" Ltd. will take over the commitment to keep at least 6 jobs for a minimum period of another 12 months, thus providing employment for a minimum period of 24 months. The successful realization of the project proposal will carry a whole positive impact on the target group representatives. As a result of the professional experience, which they will receive, the new employees will acquire new skills that will make them more adaptable to the labor market and will be beneficial for their active participation in it. The implementation of the project proposal will lead to the provision of stable employment, raised incomes and economic activity and social integration.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 27 Apr, 2017 |
End date | 27 Aug, 2018 |
Contract date | 27 Apr, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 138,821.83 |
Grant | 138,821.83 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 127,652.01 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |