STUDIO X DIGITAL LTD was founded in 2013. The Company operates in the field of information technology. In connection with the increased number of the projects, the company needs additional staff - web designers; programmers, web sites; project manager. The increasing number of customers, especially foreign companies, requires the opening of new job as "Translator-editor." Increase in the volume of work raises the number of processed financial and accounting documents and imposes the need to establish a strict financial policy and analysis. In this respect it provides for the opening of new jobs "Deputy. Chief Accountant" and "Financial Analyst". The project proposal is aimed at creating the necessary development of the company 15 new job positions by hiring unemployed and inactive people for a period of 12 months: - Unemployed youngsters up to 29 - 6 persons; - Unemployed persons aged over 54 years - 2 persons; Fourteen employees will acquire the key competencies according to the European Qualifications Framework by KK 2 "Communication in foreign languages." By equipping the workplaces with computers, the necessary conditions for work will be created. The implementation of this project will contribute to fulfilling the objectives of the EU strategy "Europe 2020" in the field of employment and combating poverty and social exclusion, and to implement the objectives of the OP "HRD" 2014-2020: - Specific objective 3 of the Investment Priority 3 Priority Axis 1 of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" 2014-2020 - increasing the number of included in employment, self-employment or training unemployed young people aged up to 29 years incl. with secondary or higher education; - Specific objective 3 of Investment Priority 1 Priority Axis 1 - increasing the number of the hired unemployed or inactive people over 54 years of age.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 07 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 07 Nov, 2018 |
Contract date | 07 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 196,153.00 |
Grant | 196,153.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 185,681.32 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |