The main goal of the project is creating new and stable jobs, ensuring employment for an unemployed and inactive people from "Vilmar Control" Ltd. The project proposal is aiming to improve and enhance the efficiency of the labour at "Vilmar Control" Ltd. The project incorporates set of measures by which 12 new working places will be created. Those will be occupied by unemployed and inactive people. At least 50% from them will be from the Special groups including continuously unemployed or inactive people and/or youths till 29 years of age. The specific goals of the project are: - to create 12 new working places by purchasing specialized equipment; - to expand the market share of the enterprise by increasing the variety of the provided services; - to improve the efficiency of working process by hiring of newly qualified personal; - minimum of 6 stable jobs to remain at the end of the project. For the fulfilment of the described goals it is envisaged the implementation of the following activates Activity 1 – Organizing and managing of the project Activity 2 – Creating new jobs by purchasing of specialized machines and equipment Activity 3 – Employment of unemployed and inactive people Activity 4 – Public information and publicity It is foreseen the project to be executed for 18 months. 4 new working places will be created, 12 unemployed and inactive people will be employed, from the different target groups. Six of the newly employed people is planned to be from the Special groups in accordance with the program. The expected results upon completion of the project at least 50% from newly employed people to preserve their working places.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 Apr, 2017 |
End date | 11 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 11 Apr, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 162,500.37 |
Grant | 162,500.37 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 132,099.08 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |