Improving working conditions, optimization of business processes and provision of social benefits for employees of “Diplomat Plaza" hotel sphere in the city of Lukovit

The project idea is entirely focused on the staff of “Diplomat Plaza” hotel, working in the tourist sphere in the city of Lukovit, Northwestern Bulgaria. The objective of the project is to improve the working environment and working conditions for the employees of the hotel, by applying a set of activities and measures for good and safe working conditions.The project is aimed at introducing new organizational models and practices for human resources management, with emphasis on the longer employment for people over 54 years of age, ensuring flexible forms of employment, contributing to the reconciliation of the professional and personal life of the employees. There are included measures designed to encourage the commuter employees to their workplaces and back in order to keep their employment and their specific jobs. The employer will provide consistent with the hours of work and residence transport, which will increase the level of sustainable employment. It is planned to introduce a lever to boost motivation and productivity of the workforce by investing in multiband package of benefits associated with recreation, nutrition, sports activity of employees and activities with their children. It is planned to conduct training in health and safety at work, which is a reliable tool for human resource development and the prevention of hazards to the life and health of the employees. The ventilation system and the suspended ceiling in the main service facilities of the hotel will be reconstructed and modernized, aimed at collective defense of unfavorable microclimate. In order to minimize the risk and to protect the health of the employees it is provided for the purchase and provision of special clothing for the needs of the employed persons. The activities are aimed at providing equal working conditions and prevent any discrimination against various groups of people, and with their implementation the work quality will be improved and the labor productivity will enhance.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2017
End date 01 Aug, 2018
Contract date 17 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 231,611.39
Grant 231,611.39
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 231,611.39
EU participation percent 85.0%
