Overall objective: To improve the working environment in "Semkov-2001" Ltd by improving the organization and working conditions and facilitate the mobility of employees. Specific objectives: 1 / To introduce new organizational practices for reconciling work and private life of employees in the company and extending the working life of older workers by flexible forms of employment and mentoring; 2 / To provide transportation to and from work for the staff from other localities; 3 / To ensure safe and healthy working conditions of employees in the company; 4 / To ensure access for persons with disability. The following results will be achieved: - Survey of employees satisfaction with their working conditions and their desire to be included in flexible forms of employment; - Introduced part-time work and homework for people with special needs; - Introduced personalized schedule of work and rest for workers with disabilities and older workers; - A system of mentoring and temporary employment of retired workers developed; - Providing of transportation to and from the workplace of 34 employees; - Collective protection equipment purchased and put into operation ; - Personal protective equipment and work clothing purchased; - Ensured access for persons with disability. In order to achieve planned results the following activities will be implemented: - Developing, adapting and introducing elements of a system for human resources development and innovative models of work organization; - Improvement of waste collection and utilization; - Providing transport of employees to and from the workplace ; - Providing safe and healthy working conditions by means of collective protection; - Providing safe and healthy working conditions - purchase of special clothing and personal protective equipment; - Providing access for people with disabilities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jul, 2017
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 22 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 245,396.00
Grant 245,396.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 238,640.63
EU participation percent 85.0%
