Safety and enjoyment of work "City Building" Ltd.

"City Building" Ltd. as a socially responsible company has always sought to provide the best-quality jobs for its employees. Optimizing safe working conditions in the in the "City Building" Ltd, as well as improving the working environment, the organization of labor and human resources management will improve the quality of work.This is the main objective of this project proposal. As specific objectives of the total can be divided 3 - To improve the organization of work in the company and to create the necessary conditions to minimize occupational accidents and diseases - To introduce new organizational practices, models and systems for the management of human resources through the purchase of software - Increase production efficiency by optimizing existing regulations, instructions and rules relating to health and safety at work "City Building" LTD. The target group of the project includes all employees in the company employees - 117 of them, including 12 over 54 years. The successful implementation of the project will be carried out the following activities: 1. Project management, 2 Publicity and visualization, 3 Securing enterprise software for managing human resources 4 Purchase of special work clothing and PPE 5 Provision of funds for collective redress 6 Provide a place for recreation and 7 Ensuring transport organized by the employer to and from work for employees of the company Expected project results are a significant improvement of working conditions and safety at the highest level for the Company's employees, extension of working life of employees over 54, and the introduction of new organizational models and systems for human resources management.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2017
End date 01 Nov, 2018
Contract date 01 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 364,093.00
Grant 364,093.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 358,564.80
EU participation percent 85.0%


North-East (BG33)