Improving the working condition and encouragement of the mobility of the employees of "Patengeneringstroy - T" JSC

The project will lead to improving the working conditions, introducing more effective and flexible ways for organization and management of the human resources and securing geographical labor mobility to 526 employees of Patengeneringstroy - T JSC. The company policy aims to secure in full accordance to national laws and regulations a healthy and safety conditions of work, adequate system for payment and additional benefits and greater opportunities for professional development. Also it will meet the need of improving the workforce productivity and to make it more adaptive and competitive in the context of the goals of the strategy Europe 2020. The following activities are planned: Optimizing the work process in a way to promote a better balance between the professional and personal life of the employees (including the once of age above 54). Implement policies for securing a longer active professional career for older employees (aged 54 or more) for 184 persons from the target group. Introduce an innovative model of work organization, which will protect the environment and to influence positively the workforce productivity and the quality of all workplaces. Secure workforce mobility for 217 employees by providing an organized transport to their workplaces. Achieving the maximum in securing healthy and safety working conditions for all employees of "Patengeneringstroy - T" JSC, which will result in higher motivation and competitiveness of the workforce, thanks to the lowered labor risks accomplished by the purchase of special clothing and personal protective equipment. In this project are included activities related to its organization and management and actions for providing information and securing publicity in accordance to the Single Guidance for Beneficiaries. In all project activities are included measures for implementing the horizontal principles for equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 May, 2018
End date 31 Dec, 2018
Contract date 18 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 486,360.68
Grant 389,088.54
Self finance 97,272.14
Total paid 382,254.26
EU participation percent 85.0%
