Improving the working environment in Makros Injenering OOD

The project proposal called “Improvement of the working envirenmont in “Makros Injenering” OOD” has been elaborated within the procedure " Good and safe working conditions ". Its main goal is related precisely to the improvement of the working envirenmont of the company. The specific goals which shall be achieved are as follows: - to improve the system for development of human resources; - to improve the work organization including protection of environment; - to improve the working conditions; - to improve the professional and health status of the employees and officials; - to reduce the prerequisites for work accidents and diseases; - to increase labor productivity; - to increase the motivation of the target group and the feeling of satisfaction; - to increase the competitiveness of the company; - to improve the quality of the working environment; The abovementioned goals shall be achieved through the implementation of seven activities as follows: 1. Introduction of system for reconciliation of private and professional life, practice of extending the working life of older workers and innovative models for environmental protection. 2. Provision of safe and healthy working environment. 3. Purchase of personal protective equipment and special clothing for employees and officials. 4. Provision social benefits for workers by purchasing a place for eat and rest 5. Implementation of a system for managing health and safety at work in accrodance with the international standart BS OHSAS 18001:2007 6. Information and publicity. 7. Organisation and management of the project. The number of the target group that shall be included in the project are 15 employed persons, of which 1 person over 54 years of age and 2 people with disabilities. The total value of the resources that shall be purchased in relation to the implementation of the abovementioned activities and the achievement of the planned results and indicators is 57 310,00 lv.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 15 Jun, 2017
End date 15 May, 2018
Contract date 08 Jun, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 56,843.33
Grant 56,843.33
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

