Project "Improving working environment in Hospital for active treatment Haskovo JSC by providing good and safe working conditions" aims to improve the working environment in the hospital by providing good and safe working conditions, effective and flexible forms of work organization and human resources management in order to improve job quality and labor productivity. Specific project objectives are: 1) To increase the efficiency of work performance of enterprise and rational use of resources through the development and introduction of a system for human resources development in the hospital; 2) To optimize workflow by introducing flexible forms of employment / systems for professional and career development / new models of work organization aimed at increasing productivity and environmental safety / new practices for planning, selection and recruitment / optimization of internal communication through the development and introduction of a system for human resources development; 3) To create conditions for prevention and reduction of occupational accidents and diseases through purchase of dishwasher - disinfecting machines and construction of lifts; 4) To provide safe and healthy working conditions for employees through the purchase of personal protecting equipment and clothing; 5) To increase the knowledge and competencies of employees about specific health risks associated with the work places and the methods and means of their reduction and prevention through training under the topic "Preventing contamination with blood and other biological fluids during performance of working activities related to the performance of official duties of persons for specific workplace.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 01 Nov, 2018 |
Contract date | 07 Jun, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 268,413.93 |
Grant | 214,731.14 |
Self finance | 53,682.79 |
Total paid | 214,454.07 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |